Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Scroll down for answers to the following questions (and if I haven’t covered your question, I welcome you to email me at [email protected]):

  • What does the Course involve?  What are the Course Outline and Objectives?
  • How much does the full course cost? And how was the price determined?
  • Would this course be beneficial to me if I am already working with an EMDR therapist or plan to see one in the future?
  • What does it mean that the course will be "dripped out" over 8 weeks?
  • Is there a group discount for the course?
  • Is there a discount for Military or First Responders for the course?


What does the Course involve?  What are the Course Outline and Objectives?

  • Week 1 – Introduction

An introduction to how EMDR therapy can transform the way trauma memories are stored in the brain and important differences in safely and effectively treating Complex/Developmental Trauma compared to Adult Onset or Single Incident PTSD

  •  Week 2 – Here Now not There Then

Two practical tools to remind the nervous system that the circumstances of the past are over and that the Here and Now of adulthood IS distinctly different than the There and Then of childhood

  •  Week 3 – Okay to Feel Okay

Two methods to stop the swirling of negative thoughts and emotions – and a powerful exercise to tease out compelling reasons it actually might NOT feel okay to stop the swirling and feel better

  •  Week 4 – Defenses

An examination of four intense obstacles that can block healing of Complex/Developmental Trauma – and multiple methods for profoundly down-shifting these defenses

  •  Week 5 – Support Team

The development of a dynamic team of support figures – and the strengthening of a visceral connection to their Nurture, Protection, and Wisdom, as powerful scaffolding to support the work of healing from Complex/Developmental Trauma

  •  Week 6 – Top Tens

An exercise designed to identify key life experiences and their ongoing impact on beliefs about your Worth, Responsibility, Safety, and Choices

  •  Week 7 – Trauma Memory Networks

The identification of the Core Negative Themes causing disruption to your self-image and healthy functioning – and the strategic mapping of memory clusters to be addressed with EMDR memory reprocessing

  •  Week 8 – Positive Memory Resources

The highlighting and strengthening of Neurological Golden Nuggets – so that EMDR reprocessing can more readily connect them to the trauma memories from which they had previously been isolated and unable to impact

  • Week 9 – Attachment Repair

A means of becoming the most powerful source of Nurture, Protection, and Wisdom for your younger self, who went through whatever your younger self went through – and developing a foundation for healing from Complex/Developmental Trauma and forming secure relationships in your adult life


How much does the full course cost? And how was the price determined?

A client once told me, “I keep referring people to EMDR therapy, but they aren’t getting what I’m getting with you!”  The content of this course represents much of what I have identified is that difference.  I crystallized the most powerful components of the work I do with clients to prepare them for trauma memory reprocessing – all which have independent value even if someone never goes further with EMDR therapy.  These exercises are what I have learned from the very best of the best in the field and have synthesized with my own 17 years of clinical experience into a method that I have seen facilitate remarkable benefit for my clients.

The price for the full course is $297.  The exercises included in the course comprise what is often the first 3-4 months or more of work that I do with a client.  As I typically work in 2-hour sessions at $200 per clinical hour, you can see from the math that the cost can range into the thousands of dollars for someone.  This course provides an economical way for me to act as your guide as you to take yourself through those same steps.


Would this course be beneficial to me if I am already working with an EMDR therapist or plan to see one in the future?

It may be that your EMDR therapist will cover all of the general steps included in the course. However, standard EMDR training does not contain all of these components, so many EMDR therapists may not be familiar with them unless they have completed significant amounts of ongoing training in the treatment of Complex/Developmental Trauma.

The course was actually formulated based on the specific components I found myself repeatedly teaching to the therapists consulting with me toward their Certification in EMDR therapy - because of places they were getting stuck with their clients. Many of the therapists who have completed the Professional Training version of the course have told me is that they plan to have clients take the course alongside their therapy, in order to strengthen the quality of the therapeutic process!


What does it mean that the course will be "dripped out" over 8 weeks?

You will receive access to Module 2 immediately after your purchase of the full course - and then you will be given access to each of the next Modules every 7 days, one per week over a span of 8 weeks.  If you somehow don't receive a notification email, you will still be granted access according to this schedule when you log into the course.  Each Module that you are given access to will remain open to you, in order that you can return as often as you wish to revisit the material.  This also allows you the option to slow down the pace that you move through the course material if needed.  You will have access to the entire course for a year. 


Is there a group discount for the course?

Yes! I believe wholeheartedly in the buddy system for getting the most out of the course. 5% off is available for each buddy (up to a maximum of 15% off for a group of 4). The buddy discount can be combined with any other discount code and is taken off of the full price of the course.  Send a list of names and email addresses to me at [email protected] - and I will send you the discount code to use for your group.


Is there a discount for Military or First Responders for the course?

Yes! As a small way of saying thank you for your service and sacrifice, a 40% off discount is always available to all former and active-duty military service members, first responders and their spouses.  Email me at [email protected] for details.